July 28, 2022

This message is distributed to Senate-Faculty and Non-Senate-Faculty. (Click here to view description of distribution groups.)  

The following is being sent on behalf of The LSIT/ID/CITRAL Instructional Support Team


Dear Colleagues,

UCSB’s movement to Canvas continues! As a reminder, the campus is moving away from our current Moodle-based learning management system (known as GauchoSpace) to a new system, UCSB Canvas, over the next academic year. By Fall 2023, Canvas will be the campus’s new system. 

Over the next year, the campus will provide extensive support for the transition. This will include moving courses from Moodle (GauchoSpace) to Canvas and offering multiple workshops.

Read more about the campus’s conversion to Canvas, including FAQs

Click here if you want to use Canvas in Fall 2022 

Canvas Exploration Sites (“Sandboxes”)

Instructors who have taught in the last year already have Canvas site for exploration and experiment that is not tied to a particular course. (This is known as a “sandbox.”)  To access your sandbox, log in to https://www.canvas.ucsb.edu/. If you do not have a sandbox and would like one please email help@collaborate.ucsb.edu

Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming workshops are below. Some are offered by Instructure (Canvas’s parent company) and some by UCSB’s Letters and Science Information Technology (LSIT) experts. Click the links to register. 

Canvas workshops by Instructure:

Letters and Science Information Technology (LSIT)  Canvas workshops 

Canvas Basics workshops - Basic uses of Canvas for communication, adding content, and grading:

Canvas TA workshops - Focused on navigation, communication and grading:

We’ll be back in touch soon, but send any questions to help@collaborate.ucsb.edu.