May 20, 2019

To: Deans, Department Chairs, and Business Officers
From: David Marshall
  Executive Vice Chancellor
Re: New unlimited subscription plans for advertising academic positions

In an effort to assist academic departments with the increasingly high costs of advertising academic positions, I am pleased to announce that my office will cover the costs of purchasing two new annual unlimited subscription plans for posting academic positions in the 2019-20 academic year: Blacks in Higher ( and Women and Higher (

As a one-year trial project, these subscriptions are available to all UC Santa Barbara academic departments and colleges at no charge, effective July 1, 2019. We also will sponsor an unlimited subscription plan renewal to Higher Ed ( for the 2019-20 academic year, also available to academic departments at no charge. (Recruitment ads in Higher Ed Jobs for staff positions will continue to be handled by Human Resources.)

I strongly encourage departments to post ads on these three sites for all open academic positions, including ladder faculty, non-senate faculty lecturers, professional researchers, project scientists, specialists, and academic coordinators. Many departments have specific female and African-American faculty hiring goals; these three advertising resources will help us to better address those goals and will provide increased visibility for our open positions.

The new subscription plans are intended to help reduce departmental advertising costs and promote diversity. Departments still may advertise in other general and disciplinespecific journals and online sites, or use other strategies to address affirmative action placement goals for additional demographic groups.

At the end of the 2019-20 academic year, my office will consult with the deans and assess departmental usage to determine whether to renew the subscription for the next year. We encourage you to share any comments about your experience using these resources with Cathy Pollock, Assistant Dean in the College of Letters & Science, at

To place ads in Higher Ed Jobs, Blacks in Higher Ed, and Women and Higher Ed after July 1, 2019 using our unlimited subscription, please contact: Andy Boom, Director of Business Development,, at 800-311-0563 or

Thank you.

cc: Ricardo Alcaino
  Cindy Doherty
  Cathy Pollock

