February 27, 2025

To:    Deans, Department Chairs, Senate Faculty
From: David Marshall, Executive Vice Chancellor
          Dana Mastro, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel
          Scott Grafton, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research
Re:    Negotiated Salary Program Initiation and Call for AY 2025-26 Applications

After extensive system-wide review based on many years of pilot programs, taskforce analyses, and Academic Senate feedback, the Negotiated Salary Program (NSP) was instituted as UC Policy (APM 672), effective July 1, 2024.  Each campus is required to have its Implementation Plan for the program submitted to UC Provost Newman for review and approval by the Office of the President to ensure compliance with UC policy and regulations, granting agency restrictions, and federal and state law. Consistent with policy guidance, the UC Santa Barbara Implementation plan was developed in close collaboration between the Office of Academic Personnel, deans, and the Office of Research, taking into account Senate comments and UCOP guidance. Our campus plan, submitted by the Chancellor to Provost Newman, has been approved. Accordingly, UC may now participate in the UC Negotiated Salary program, beginning with the 2025-26 academic year.

The Negotiated Salary Program (see APM 672) is a flexible compensation program that allows Senate faculty to voluntarily contribute external funding resources towards their total UC salary. The amount of negotiated salary has a cap of 30% of the base salary in effect as of July 1, and the negotiated increment is effective for a one-year period corresponding with the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30. Only contract or grant funds and other non-state-appropriated funds may be used to support the program.

To participate, faculty members must be in good standing with regard to teaching, research, and service obligations, and comply with all applicable University policies, procedures, and training requirements, as well as other conditions documented in the campus NSP plan. More information about the program and guidelines can be found on the Negotiated Salary Program tab under Compensation and Benefits on the AP website: https://ap.ucsb.edu/compensation.and.benefits/negotiated.salary.program/

Applications to participate in the 2025-26 NSP are available to all eligible faculty members. The faculty request form alongside other required forms can be found on the Negotiated Salary Program tab of the AP website.  The deadline for submitting faculty requests to the Chair is April 1. Late applications will not be considered.

The UCSB Implementation Procedures cover: eligibility criteria; proposal submission procedures; evaluation procedures; funding guidelines, financial responsibility, and use of funds; components of compensation; deadlines and effective dates; and other key aspects of the program.

Since our plan was submitted and approved, a great deal of uncertainty has been introduced into the external funding landscape by pronouncements, orders, and guidelines issued in regard to federal funding agencies. Although established deadlines for the NSP process must be followed at this time, it is possible that changes to overhead rates, allowable expenses, or program areas may have impacts on the program. We will do our best to keep faculty updated.

For questions, more information, or assistance with the forms please email ap-inquiry@ucsb.edu.

Thank you.

Assistant Deans
Business Officers
Office of Research