July 22, 2020
This message is distributed to All-Instructors, Academic-Assistant-Deans, and Academic-Department-Managers.
The following is being sent on behalf of the Instructional Support Team
Dear Colleagues,
It’s hard to believe that it’s July! As we move toward Summer Session B, this week’s update from the Instructional Support Team.
If you’re teaching in Summer Session B, we’re here for you!
Resources Available to You:
- If you need any type of technological help, email help@collaborate.ucsb.edu
- Keepteaching.id.ucsb.edu
- Keeplearning.id.ucsb.edu
- A guided reference for instructors and TAs: Preparing to Teach Online GauchoSpace site: https://gauchospace.ucsb.edu/courses/course/view.php?id=80846
- Pedagogy Consultations:
- Mindy: mcolin@ucsb.edu
- Lisa: lisa_berry@ucsb.edu
- Linda: ladler@ucsb.edu
- Maggie: m_safronova@ucsb.edu
- Previous Instructional Support Team Messages: https://evc.ucsb.edu/communications/memos
- https://help.lsit.ucsb.edu/hc/en-us/categories/200007714-GauchoSpace
- Guided video tour on how to set up a GauchoSpace site for your online course.
For a quick exploration of Zoom, check this Reference sheet or this self-guided tutorial (in GauchoSpace).
Campus Core Router Migration Work - Core Router Installations Scheduled for July 23, 29, and August 3, and August 6. On July 23 between 12:01 and 4 a.m., the campus wireless network will experience service disruptions. On July 29 between 12:01 and 5 a.m., plan for a network outage. On August 3 between 12:01 and 7 a.m., plan for a network outage.
August 2020 Panopto (GauchoCast) Downtime: On Saturday, August 15, Panopto will be making a number of updates to the Panopto Cloud infrastructure to improve performance and scalability. These updates will require downtime. We will announce the exact time and expected duration of the downtime closer to the downtime date.